Is my data secure?

Your data is securely stored on the Amazon Web Servers data centres based in Sydney.


Will my data be sold to third parties?

Definitely not. MedAlerts values your privacy. 


Will my data be used for marketing

No, Your details may only be used to advise you of MedAlerts updates and improvements.


Can two people at the same address use the same licence?

Yes, MedAlerts is set up with ‘Family app Sharing’ active. The user will also need to turn on this feature in their App Store / Google Play Store.


Can I stop my account?

Yes, We dislike providers who make closing your account near on impossible! That is why we have included a prominent “Delete Account” button in red on the home page.


If I stop my account, will I get a partial refund of my subscription?

Unfortunately no. The cost of processing a partial refund would exceed the low cost of the subscription.


Can I store personal medical details?

No, If you have special medical requirements we suggest you make your Neighbours aware of these.


This is the text sent to Neighbours when you add them

"Hello, Alex Wong has added you as a 'Neighbour' to provide assistance when he/she activates MedAlerts. For more information please visit www.medalerts.co.nz"


This is the text sent to Friends & Family when you add them

"Hello, Alex Wong added you to 'Friends & Family' on the MedAlerts app. For more information please visit www.medalerts.co.nz"